Books about treasure hunting
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Beruf Schatzsucher

by Michel Bagnaud, Schönbach 1992

a handbook with stories of missing treasures.


by Hans Roden, Heyne 1963

An early handbook for the treasure hunter.

Auf Schatzsuche - von Grabr�ubern, Geisterbeschwörern und anderen Jägern verborgener Reicht�mer

by Johannes Dillinger, Herder 2011

A historical view on "treasure hunting". How did TH start? Is it a serious business? Are the stories real? Johannes Dillinger is putting some light on a subject which is still surounded by a lot of fiction and fantasy.

Der Templerschatz - eine Spurensuche

by Tobias Daniel Wabbel
G�tersloher Verlagshaus

The treasures of the Templers have tied up countless historians, treasure hunters, authors and others. Does it even exist or is it made up? If it exists, what happened to it? Where is it located?

The author Tobias Daniel Wabbel follows the authentic traces of the treasure in a very fresh style, written with scientific background. This book will give you sleepless nights. It is the first serious book about the historic backgrounds of the treasure leading to its whereabouts.

Handbuch für Schatzsucher

by Reinhold Ostler
Pietsch Vlg., Stuttgart

Treasures still exist: burried, under water or walled up. Tons of gold, silver and jewellery are still burried in Germany and waiting for a finder. The exciting story of the Nazi Gold of the Reichsbank hidden in different places in Germany. About lost artwork worth millions, the lost Amber Room, coin treasures, war safes and church bells from the 30 year long war. Where is the treasure of the Nibelungen? Not only informs about still lost treasures, but also about treasure hunting law in Germany.


Schatzräuber - die Suche der Stasi nach dem Gold der Nazizeit

by Andreas Förster
Ch. Links Verlag

Schweiss der Sonne, Tränen des Mondes - Chronik einer Schatzsuche

by Peter Lourie

Auf Schatzsuche in Deutschland. Schätze die noch zu finden sind.

by Reinhold Ostler
Pietsch Vlg., Stuttgart, 1997

Treasures still exist: burried, under water or walled up. Tons of gold, silver and jewellery are still burried in Germany and waiting for a finder. The exciting story of the Nazi Gold of the Reichsbank hidden in different places in Germany. About lost artwork worth millions, the lost Amber Room, coin treasures, war safes and church bells from the 30 year long war. Where is the treasure of the Nibelungen? Not only informs about still lost treasures, but also about treasure hunting law in Germany.


Da liegt Gold. Verborgene Schätze in aller Welt.

by Janusz Piekalkiewicz
Pietsch Vlg., Stuttgart, 1997

New edition. Crown jewells, pirates, gold filled ships and much more. Treasure Island, the Nibelungen, the Inca, the Gotlands, the Templer Knights, treasures all over the world. Documents, photographs, reports. Piekalkiewicz, a successful film maker and author, was born in  1925 in Poland and died in 1988. Known to many for its publications about treasure hunting and World War II.


Das neue Handbuch für Schatzsucher.

by Reinhold Ostler
Pietsch Vlg., Stuttgart, 1999

Treasures from the past still exist. First published in 1989, there was a book talking about treasure hunting equipment and the knowledge to find treasure. It started a treasure hunting boom in Germany and many people had success using this know-how.

With the second edition, Reinhold Ostler made sure it remains the standard book about this subject...


Fährte des Goldes. Verborgenen Schätzen auf der Spur

by Reinhold Ostler
Pietsch Verlag Stuttgart, 2001

A presentation of unknown treasure stories with new traces to wealth. Also has the story about his last expedition to Cocos Island delivering the truth about the hiding place of pirate Bonito. What about the golden statues deep in the jungle of Uganda, guarded by a Pygmäen people? What about the rumours about new gold treasures in th USA? What about the legendary treasure in a tunnel system somewhere in  Nicaragua? What about the lost state treasure of Albany or the gold of the Partisan in Greece...


Piratenschätzen auf der Spur. Indizien, Fakten und Legenden.

by Nicolas Serrano
Pietsch Vlg., Stuttgart, 2000

Schatzschiffe des 20. Jahrhunderts. Untergang und Bergung.

by Nigel Pickford
Delius, Klasing, Bielef., 2000

About treasure ships of the 20th Century and their recovery.


Schatzsucher. Auf der Jagd nach dem verlorenen Gold der Jahrhunderte.

by Günter Seuren, Sylvio Heufelder
Bechtermünz Vlg., Augsbg., 2000

They are somewhere out there: giant lost treasures, but are they true? Nobody found them so far but people go treasure hunting for them again and again to get rich...or to break some bones...

Schatzsucher haben noch Chancen.

by Janusz Piekalkiewicz
Pietsch Vlg., Stuttgart, 1999

New edition - treasure stories of 5 continents - fascinating stories about the hunting for gold and treasure with practical instructions for treasure hunting. Most of the treasure introduced in this book are still missing today. Reason enough to use your chance...


  Versunkene Schätze. Schiffe und ihre Schicksale.

by Nigel Pickford
Delius, Klasing, Bielef., 1995

Sunken Spanish sailships, loaden with gold and silber; a ship with the art collection of "Katharina the Great", sunken in the Baltic Sea, - 40 legendary "Treasure Ships" and their history starting with a Roman ship from the time BC and ending with the Italian steam ship "Andrea Doria", sunken 1956 near New York...


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