Books about the legendary Amber Room
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Das unauffindbare Bernsteinzimmer Das unauffindbare Bernsteinzimmer

by Elmar Reinke - verlagoo mws gmbh 2015

the author tells about the efforts to find the Amber Room and comes to the conclusion, that the art work does not exist anymore. But is he right? Reinke admits that even he has no evidence for the destruction and that he wishes he was proven wrong. The ARO can asure him that we hold records which cleary show, that the world wonder still exists. At a place where one was searching for it many years ago...

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Hitler's Ignored Secret Objects  Hitler's Ignored Secret Objects

by Henry Hatt - BoD 2014

In 1944/45, underground mines were used to protect important war productions. Was this the only use? Henry Hatt claims to have found evidence that also libraries, archives and art work was hidden in the mines in the last months of WWII. For him, it is a fact that certain secret depots still exist untill today.

- available in English - order online at Amazon or in your bookstore

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Bernsteinzimmer - das letzte Kapitel im Leinawald

by Thomas Kuschel - E. Reinhold Verlag 2012

A tunnel near the airport Altenburg? Alleged witnesses? The book partly has the character of a novel. With conversations between the historical figures, the author tries to add zest to the story. However, the evidence of the announced revelations is missing.

- only in German

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Geheimnisvoller Poppenwald

by Mario Ulbrich - Chemnitzer Verlagshaus 2011

- only in German

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Bernstein-Verschw�rung - a Crime Novel

by Andreas Schmidt - RGA 2011

- only in German

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Verlorenes Weltwunder - das Bernsteinzimmer

by Mario Morgner - BOD 2011

- only in German

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Gebunkerte Geheimnisse
- auf den Spuren des Bernsteinzimmers in Sachsen

by Manfred John/Gabi Liebegall
Tauchaer Verlage (2008)

- only in German

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Das Bernsteinzimmer im Fortuna Stolln zu Deutschneudorf

by Heinz Peter Haustein and others
Druck und Verlagsgesellschaft Marienberg mbH (2002)

- only in German

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Mythos Bernsteinzimmer

by Maurice Phillip Remy
Ullstein Verlag (2003)

- only in German

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Geheimtransport in den Pinzgau

by Herbert Gold
Selfpublishing (2004)

- only in German

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The Amber Secret,
the hunt for hidden Nazi Treasure

Novel by Peter Slaney
Richard Webb, Hardcover (2004)

- only in English!

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Auf der Spur des Bernsteinzimmers
Puschkin, K�nigsberg, Weimar, Coburg

by Ralf Georg Reuth
Propyläen, Bln. (1998)

- only in German!

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Bernsteinzimmer- Komplott
Die Enttarnung eines Mythos

by Dietmar B. Reimann
Bock & Kübler (1997)

First book by Mr. Reimann, a privat detective investigating near Aue in Saxony. Got bad critics in a Berlin newspaper. Also Reimanns appearence on TV some years ago was not very convincing...

- only in German!

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Das versteckte K�nigreich
Die Enttarnung eines Mythos.

by Dietmar B. Reimann
Bock & Kübler (2000)

- only in German

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Bernsteinzimmer-Komplott Teil 3

by Dietmar B. Reimann
Bock & Kübler (2004)

Third and last book of the private investigator.

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by Paul Enke
Verlag die Wirtschaft - 1987

This classic title is the best book available about the Amber Room. It sold about 100000 times when it was published in East Germany in the late 80s. Unfortunately, it is out of print since a long time. You can still find it in some libraries in former East Germany.

- only in German

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by Günter Wermusch
Links Vlg., Berlin (1991)

this title tells us about the unsuccessful searching of the East German STASI which happened in countless suspicious objects during the time of communism. It is quite interesting...

- only in German

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Bernsteinzimmersuche mit Presse und Trompeten

by Thomas Mindner
Verlag Bock & Kübler 1998

- only in German

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Das Geheimnis des Bernsteinzimmers.
Das Ende der Legende um den in Königsberg verschollenen Zarenschatz

by Heinz Schön
Pietsch Verlag, (April 2002)

After looking for clues for 40 years, Heinz Sch�n is sure: "The Amber Room has never left Königsberg. In this title, he tells you where it is hidden. However, the Russians show not much interest in finding the Amber Room; thanks to German financial help they are working on its reconstruction since 1982. Now it is ready and will be opened to the public May 31, 2003.

- only in German

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Vom Bernsteinzimmer in Th�ringen

by Martin Stade
Escher Verlag, (2002) - second edition 2008 now available

Readers often smile about Martin Stade and say his work would be more of a novel, but ARO double checked many of his statements and found some of them to be true, which means that the author must have access to authentic documents.

- only in German

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Die neue Spur des Bernsteinzimmers

by Wolfgang Schneider, Hans Stadelmann
G. Kiepenheuer, Leipzig, 1994

how Schneider met Stadelmann and got involved in the searching. The  dairy of the sad chapter of the searching of Norman Scott and Global Explorations in Florida. Schneider became their German Special Agent. Totally boring and not the "New Trace" it promises.

- only in German

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Sphinx - Geheimnisse der Geschichte:
Die Jagd nach dem Bernsteinzimmer

German TV report, 1994

- only in German

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