Books about looted art
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Hitler's Ignored Secret Objects  Hitler's Ignored Secret Objects

by Henry Hatt - BoD 2014

In 1944/45, underground mines were used to protect important war productions. Was this the only use? Henry Hatt claims to have found evidence that also libraries, archives and art work was hidden in the mines in the last months of WWII. For him, it is a fact that certain secret depots still exist untill today.

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Die Kunstsammlung des Geheimdienst-Offiziers
Albrecht Focke

by Henry Hatt, BOD 2011

Speculations about the whereabouts of an art collection relocated to castle Lauenstein in the Franconia Forest.

German only

Kunstraub und Kunstschutz, Band I

by G�nther Haase, 2008

a documentation about art looters and art objects - very detailed, about 568 pages.

German only

Kunstraub und Kunstschutz, Band II

by G�nther Haase, 2008

a collection of historical documents.

German only

Sonderauftrag Linz

by Ernst Kubin, 1989

the art collection of Adolf Hitler in the salt mine Altaussee in Austria.

Written with the help of NARA documents which were kept secret for a long time.

German only

Der Kunstschatz des F�hrers - Die Kammler-Akte

by Kristian Knaack, 2010

Whenever we hear about art treasures destroyed by fire, we should be very suspicious! It can hardly be reconstructed what happened in castle Wildenhoff and in many other places.

In an exemplary secret action, Hans Kammler brought the cofins of the Hindenburgs and the largest collection of icones into the old Reich. This book is faszinating and should not be missing in any collection.

German only

K.A.K.T.U.S. e. V. Information-Booklet

by K.A.K.T.U.S. e. V., Looted Art Investigations 2009

this booklet describes the objectives of the club K.A.K.T.U.S. e. V. and explains why it is so important to support their work.

German only

Unternehmen Patentraub 1945

by Friedrich Georg
Grabert, 2008

did you know how extensively Germany got robbed by the allies? The organized looting of documents and patents for the production of all kind of goods combined with the "kidnapping" of countless scientists resulted in a later profit worth many billions. Read in this well documented book how the biggest looting of technology was planned, organized and finally executed.

German only

R�ckerstattung der Nazi-Beute

by Thomas Armbruster
De Gruyter Recht, 2008

this new book published in November 2008 is a must for every serious investigator. First time, all the relations and functions of the different organizations sent by the allies to recover looted art will be explained in detail.  The background facts are very interesting and can be understood by everyone. The second part deals with all legal facts in connection with the restitution of the 1945 found art work. The author says that during his year long research he did not find any evidence for a planned looting of art work by the allies, which is important to mention since there are a lot of missleading rumours going on.

German only

Kulturg�ter im Zweiten Weltkrieg
Verlagerung - Auffindung - R�ckf�hrung

by Uwe Hartmann and other authors
Koordinierungsstelle f�r Kulturgutverluste Magdeburg, 2007

this book provides an overview about the history of looted art and the return of the art work from 1955 till present. 23 authors use their special knowledge to describe several cases. They also explain how even 60 years after the war, these happenings still influence politics and the relationship of the involved countries.

German only

Der Fund - die Skandale des Stern

by Peter Ferdinand Koch
Facta Verlag, 1990

Stern magazine spies in Bonn, honors a government stroke, relies on the GDR secret service, on the Hitler dairies, experiences its fiasco, loads Gerd Heidemann - the undertaker of Stern have their "Stern-hour".

German only

Raubz�ge in der Sowjetunion

by Ulrike Hartung

Edition Temmen, 1997

what happened to the art treasures of the Sovjet Union? Who looted them, where were they brought to, which were returned, which are still being missed today? The research group East Europe in Bremen tries to clarify the events since 1992. The institution "Kommando K�nsberg" had a central meaning for looted art in the Sovjet Union.

German only

NS-Kunstraub in der Sowjetunion

von Wolfgang Eichwede und Ulrike Hartung
Edition Temmen, 1998

die beiden Autoren forschen seit 1992 nach dem Verbleib geraubter Kunst nicht nur auf dem Gebiet der Sowjetunion. In diesem Band gehen sie nicht der Frage nach was wirklich damals geraubt wurde, denn au�er dem Bernsteinzimmer wurde bisher kaum etwas �ber den wahren Umfang des Raubes bekannt.

German only


by Leonard Mosley
Desch Verlag, 1975

Excellent documented biography of a British author trying to find and explain the contradictions in one of the most shimmering personalities of the Hitler area and make them transparent.

German only

Die Kunstsammlung des Reichsmarschalls Goering

by Guenther Haase
Edition q, 2000

In the 12 years of the Third Reich, Hermann Goering had arranged the biggest private art collections of the century. How was it purchased, how was it financed and what was its fate?

With new archive material (mainly US), the author documents the activities of Goerings personal organization staff for his collection and the contacts to the international art dealership, the financing by an "art funds", created for this purpose and feed by donations of wealthy German industrials as well as from 1940 the team work with the "Einsatzstab Rosenberg" looting art from the occupied countries.

His purchases are listed detailed sorted by countries and dealers, spectacular transactions are described and the relocation of the collection from Carinhall near Berlin to Bavaria in spring 1945 is discussed as well as the taking over by the US-Army and the remains.

German only

Geheim-Depot Schweiz

by Peter Ferdinand Koch
List Verlag, 1997

No name accounts of jewish concentration camp victims and looted gold of the Nazis in Swiss Banks were a scandal. Still, former jewish owned giant values are kept in the safes and depots of the silent banks of the Z�rcher Bahnhofstra�e. The descendants of murdered jewish ask in vain for clarification.

German only

Die Geldgesch�fte der SS

by Peter Ferdinand Koch
Hoffmann und Campe, 2000

German Banks held accounts of the Gestapo and the SS, took care of their stock business and took profit out of aryanizing people. Facts, which will the large banks still want to keep silent.

The author documents, who the banks took profit in many different ways by disfranchisement, expropriation and elimination of the Jewish people.

German only

Dem F�hrer ein Kind schenken

by Volker Koop
B�hlau Verlag, 2007

Volker Koop writes about the history of the Lebensborn e.V., in a  scientific way and with a lot of knowledge. His books allows new views of the insanity of this SS institution, which was pushing to Germanize Europe using the excuse of wanting to help mothers and children.

German only

Das M�dchen mit der Perle

by Ruth and Max Seydewitz
Buchverlag der Morgen, 1972

Mr. and Mrs. Seydewitz wrote a number of books about stolen paintings. They all read like a crime story and we wish they would be available in English.

German only

Der verschenkte Herkules

by Ruth und Max Seydewitz
Buchverlag der Morgen, 1969

German only

Wenn die Madonna reden k�nnte

by Ruth und Max Seydewitz
Urania Verlag, 1980

German only

Die Dame mit dem Hermelin

by Ruth und Max Seydewitz
Henschelverlag, 1963

German only

Liechtenstein und der internationale Kunstmarkt 1933 - 1945

by Esther Tisa Francini
Chronos Verlag, Z�rich 2005

German only

Fluchtgut - Raubgut, der Transfer von Kulturg�tern in und �ber die Schweiz 1933-1945 und die Frage der Restitution

by Esther Tisa Francini, Anja Heuss, Georg Kreis
Chronos Verlag, Z�rich 2001

German only

"Blutige Spuren - Der zweite Aufstieg der SS"

Jürgen Pomorin, Reinhard Junge,
Georg Biemann, Hans-Peter Bordien,
Weltkreis Verlag, Dortmund 1980.

German only

Die geraubte Kunst

by Cay Friemuth
Westermann Schulb., Br, 1989

The dramatic race to rescue art treasures at the end of WWII. With the dairy of the British Officer Robert Lonsdale Charles. The art treasures of Europe in the trouble of WWII.

German only

Glanz im Dunkel

by Katharina Hammer

About the storage of art treasures in Austria at the end of WWII.  An excellent book about the happenings near Aussee since the middle of the year 1944. Contains maps of the salt mine and detailed information.

German only

Kunstraub in Europa 1938 - 45

by Jakob Kurz
Facta Oblita Verlag

A book about Hitlers dream, to built the world largest museum for art in Austria. An interesting title about the "biggest art looting of all times"...

German only

Tatumstände (un)bekannt

by Günter Wermusch

The story of 400 famous paintings which supposedly had been destroyed by a fire in May 1945 in the "Flakleitturm" in Berlin. Wermusch beleives that someone created the fire with the purpose to steal the paintings and create a legend of their loss, while they were on the way into secure deposits. Reads like a criminal novel, but true...

German only

Von Kaliningrad nach Königsberg. Auf der Suche nach verschollenen Schätzen.

by Jurij Nikolajewitsch Iwanow
Rautenberg, Leer, 1991

About the searching for art treasures stolen in WWII including the Amber Room. Tells about the German investigator Georg Stein and the director of the art collections Königsberg, Dr. Alfred Rhode. A strongly recommended book...

German only


Der Banditenschatz

by Julius Mader

This "classic book" can be compared with the Amber Room report by Enke. Even if it is about a different subject, it is written the same precise and very good. Published in the 70s and since a long time out of print. It tells about the production of counterfeit money and movements of money and show the responsible people. You will find out that not even today, the remains of the bandit treasure are known...

German only

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